A Fall Day in RI…
When Alice Walker penned the line so masterfully delivered in The Color Purple by the dynamic Shug Avery, “I think it pisses God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice it.” I wonder if she knew it would be a thought that remains so clear and so provocative, it would last like a diamond? For me, that line is etched to my persona. It reminds me time and time again we have to stop and take notice of our world. It demands that we all respect the earth in all its glory. It begs our consideration, our loyalty, our stewardship and our lingering admiration.
Today, I packed away my work and my politics and took a date with my camera, in my little corner of the world. It occurred to me that so many autumns, I have the great privilege, on daily basis of passing through one of the most beautiful corners of Rhode Island. I ambled about the Northwestern corner of RI and it delivered! It provided the chance to consider the vistas and vignettes of a beautiful place. When I happened upon the gentleman farmer tending his flock of chickens and the woman picking last minute flowers from her garden, it reminded me of just how hard folks work and worked to tend their land. It reinforced my constant contention to buy local. I passed several farms displaying coolers filled with eggs, a cigar box and hand written signs that saying: $2.50 a dozen, a robust bunch of dried hydrangeas with a jar that says “donate what you can”, a family out driving 2 majestic percherons hauling a gorgeous wagon, a family of tenacious pigs grunting and playing happily in a sty, and the idle wheels of tractors that help farmers grow our food.
Do I love the fact that I live where honor boxes are still used? Is it still very cool that I can run into noble steeds doing the jobs they were bred for? …You betcha!
Enjoy the photos and remember don’t walk by a field of purple or a herd of cattle, or a healthy forest or a hopping bunny without taking notice. It pisses God off!